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Marriage Ministry


What makes a marriage work?  That is the question that John Gottman asked when he began his research on marriage over 40 years ago.  This research was published in the best selling book, Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work by John Gottman and Nan Silver.  Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work .


This marriage ministry is the integration of that rock solid research and Biblical ideals and wisdom.  The material covers the 4 behaviors that destroy love as well as the seven principles that nurture love.  Covered also is conflict, the two types of conflict and the dreams that often are present in the midst of conflict.  Finally, the material covers how couples create shared meaning and support one another in their most important dreams.  Added is Dr. Gottman's recent research on trust and commitment as shown in the sound relational house.  Integrated is the pattern of the gospel and living in the way of Jesus in our most intimate relationship, marriage.  This is truly a unique ministry that is comfortable for both a religious and non-religious audience.  Faith is a Gottman Seven Principles Program Educator and has completed Gottman Level One training in the Gottman Method. 


Below are the 4 formats that Dan and Faith use to communicate and help couples strengthen their relationships.  It's good for couples who are married or couples moving toward marriage.  


Don't be surprised by some marital humor, stories and of course some blue grass music thrown in for good measure.  


Dan and Faith believe in a fully mutual relationship in which power is shared between men and women.  Power is shared between the couple in mutual decisionmaking and mutual hearing and caring for one another.  






A Day For Us Marriage Retreat

A Day For Us is a one day marriage retreat designed to help couples examine relationship landmines and the actions that nurture feelings of love.  We cover the Sound Relational House and the seven research based principles that help couples have a lasting, loving relationship.  We also cover conflict and how to move out of gridlock through dialogue and hearing.  Finally, we cover the importance of supporting one another's dreams and how healthy families create meaning.  All of this material is integrated with Biblical insights with special emphasis on the way of Jesus.  

Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work 6 Week Class

This class includes the same material as the one day retreat but is covered in a six week time frame.  The value of holding the class over six weeks allows couples to review the book prior to class and work on more of the couple exercises during the week.  







Premarital Counseling
Private Couple Work

Pre-marital counseling consists of 6 to 8 weeks of two hour sessions ccovering the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work book and a Prepare Enrich inventory required by many states.  Couples will read the book Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work by John Gottman and Nan Silver as well as complete the inventory.  Time will also be set aside to plan a wedding service.  

Dan and Faith will work with couples privately teaching the Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work along with devotionals that cover the Biblical insights integrated in the other formats.  This format works well for couples needing a more private instructional experience.  Faith is not a therapist but can listen, help identify areas of growth and offer insight toward creating a healthy relationship.  

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